Rap Albums from Underground artist in the month of January(Monthly album rating and recommendations.)
RAP ALBUMS Of course, we all were celebrating and having fun times with our family or partners during Christmas and the new year, while these lists of rappers were making plans, recording music and making any final touches to their album and with the new year, we got to listen to their albums, buy their albums and possibly share their albums to friends or just people around you and some of the albums listed you probably haven't heard of it or maybe even heard of the Artist, but I'm here to help and change that for you, with my personal rating and my personal opinion (want to make that clear to people who get offended by it) "From a bird's eye view" - Cordae Let's start off with an underground and most underrated rapper currently who released his Second Studio album " From A Bird's Eye View " on January 14th, 2022 it consists of 14 tracks and it comes with features from " Gunna , Lil Wayne , H.E.R , Lil Durk , Eminem , Stevie Wonder and...